Due to WhatsApp's privacy policy, millions of users left to join Telegram to seek more freedom and privacy. In January 2021, Telegram reached more than 500 million monthly active users, and it also became the most downloaded app worldwide which has now exceeded 1 billion downloads globally.
Because of the rising popularity of this instant messaging service, it seems imperative to consider one problem many new users have been facing, which WhatsApp is better at - backing up Telegram chats history.
Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram presently has no automatic chat backup feature which should help users to easily export their chats and share with others or transfer them to another messaging app. So users will have to backup their chats themselves manually.
There are several ways in which you can backup your Telegram messages. Below are a number of methods you can use to save your precious data.
How to Backup Your Telegram Chats
Method 1: Export with Telegram desktop
This method will require the desktop version of Telegram. It has a backup feature called Chat Export tool which can export almost anything, including your profile information, contacts, chats, messages from channels and groups, videos files, audio messages, animated GIF, stickers, photos, and other data. To get started, follow the steps below.
- First, go online through your computer and type https://desktop.telegram.org/ on the web browser.
- From the site, download Telegram desktop to your PC.
- After downloading Telegram to your computer, install it.
- When the installation is done, select your country and sign in with the phone number you use to connect to Telegram on your smartphone.
- Click on the three horizontal lines at the top left of the screen.
- Select Settings.
- Click on Advanced option.
- Under Data and storage, click Export Telegram data.
- When dialog box appears, select all the data you want to export by checking on the boxes near the options.
- When you’re done with your selection, set the location file clicking on Download path and customize it.
- Decide on the backup file type. This could be HTML or JSON format. But it is recommended to select HTML.
- Once you are done with the location setting, click on the Export button at the bottom right to start exporting to your mobile device. Your device with Telegram will receive a notification that export has been requested. That is all!
Note: If you already have Telegram on your computer but have not use it for sometime, you won't be able to make any export until 24 hours have passed.
Method 2: Save on Telegram web
This method may be the easiest for you don't need to download the app. You only have to save your data on the web version of Telegram.
- Open your computer browser and type https://desktop.telegram.org/.
- Sign up or log in to Telegram.
- Select one of contact you want to save.
- Press Ctrl+P.
- Click Change.
- Finally, click Save for the backup to begin. That's all! Your chats, videos, photos, and other data will be saved on the Telegram on the web.
Method 3: Backup with Chrome extension
If you have Google Chrome on your computer, you will be able to create an extension you can use to backup your Telegram chat history. Though it is easy and free, it can take a long time downloading the Telegram backup. To get started:
- Open the Chrome and go to its Web Store from your PC.
- Type Save Telegram Chat History on the extension search.
- Next, install and add the extension to Chrome.
- Go to the official Telegram site at https://telegram.org/ in Google and log in to Telegram Web.
- Tap on the Telegram extension icon on the upright corner of your browser, and wait several minutes for downloading.
- Now click All button to retrieve all your chat history. if you can't see all the chat messages in the field, go to chat windows and scroll up to the end and then do this step again.
- After downloading, hit the Save button to save Telegram Chat history. You can view your backup file with wordpad or notepad. But media files (picture, video, sticker and GIF) won't be stored in this backup. You will need to send media to save message.
Method 4: Use iKeyMonitor
IKeyMonitor is a parental control app that enables parents to monitor the online activities of their children. It also be used to backup Telegram data. Below are steps to follow on how to save your Telegram chat history.
- Go to iKeyMonitor's official website at https://ikeymonitor.com/amp
- Select Download free to install the app on your device.
- Sign up for a free trial.
- Install iKeyMonitor backup app on your device.
- Log in to the Online Cloud Panel.
- Go to Logs.
- Then, select Chats.
- Finally, enter Telegram to view messages. That's it! All your chats will be saved on iKeyMonitor.
Method 5: Take Screenshots
Taking is probably one of the easiest way to save all your chats history on Telegram mobile versions. All you need to do is to press the Down Volume button and Power button together on your android device to take a screenshot the messages.
This trick is useful if the messages you receive is short. But if they are long, and if there are files and videos, you would have to try another method.
Method 6: Record screen
This method is said to be popular among gamers and YouTubers. You can also try it yourself to backup all your Telegram videos and chat messages on your mobile devices. To do that, you will have no download a screen recorder on your phone. You can find a number of such apps on PlayStore. Some of the best to consider are Screen Recorder, Livestream, Screen Recorder & Video Recorder, Video Recorder-Vidma Recorder, and AZ Screen Recorder-Video Recorder.
Method 7: Copy, paste, and print chat history on desktop
This is another easy way to create a backup of Telegram chat history. But it can only be done with a computer.
- Open your desktop Telegram account.
- Select all by pressing CTRL+A.
- Next, press CTRL+C to copy your all messages in the clipboard.
- Paste the messages you copied in word file.
- Now you can print it. That's it!
This method will easy if your chat messages are short. But if they are too long, you may, like in method 4, consider another way to create backup and export your chat history.
So there you have it! Backing up and exporting Telegram chat may seem complicating, but you have to know how to do it if don't want to lose your precious memories. If you know any other method of creating a Telegram chat backup, be sure to let us know.
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