Google Chrome now Downloads Articles for Offline Viewing
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Google just added a new and very useful feature to its Chrome browser that will make it possible for Android users to view web articles offline.
This latest update from Google has started rolling out in over 100 countries including Brazil, Indonesia, India, and Nigeria. The new functionality lets the browser save stuff like news articles when you're online so that they can be made available for offline viewing.
Before now, Google Chrome downloads only downloaded news article titles and small thumbnail images whenever one opens a new tab page in the browser. Now, the browser downloads entire articles to the local device.
In a blog post, Google explains that the type of articles that will be displayed on its browser depends on whether you are signed in to Chrome or not. If you are not signed in, Chrome will automatically download relevant articles based on what is popular in your region, but if you are signed in, you get recommended articles based on your browsing history.
Moreover, Chrome will download articles only when your device is connected to a free, unmetered WiFi. The downloaded content is then available whenever you want to access it, even if you don’t have an internet connection.
If you want to view the downloaded articles, head to the menu by tapping the 3-dot icon in the right hand corner of the browser and select Downloads at drop down menu. This will display all downloaded articles. The articles are listed under popular pages from Chrome on the page. Chrome lists the total size of the downloaded articles and the last refresh date. You can expand the list to display all individual articles, the source, and size as well.
The new update for Google Chrome Android app is now available on Google Play.
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