Posted by Chris Iteh

Batteries are one of major tools that keep a smartphone going. But sadly they don't last forever.
All of us have at one time had a bad experience when our batteries time out. It can be irritating when a battery goes dead while performing a crucial task.
But what if your battery life constantly drains faster than it’s supposed to? That’s the problem I experienced until I compiled a list of possible reasons for this before I was able to find out the true cause and deal with it.
If you are having a similar bad experience with your battery, no doubt you are looking for a solution. The tips below could be able to help you make your android smartphone’s battery last longer.
Constantly Update Your Apps
There are good reasons developers constantly update apps, and most of the time it's to improve battery efficiency and fix bug issues in order to improve your device efficiency. But many people just don’t want to go into the trouble to update because they either think the updates will be too large to be downloaded over mobile data or it just seems unimportant at the moment. Most of them would rather prefer it being done automatically. But that's a no no good idea.
No matter what view you have, your device needs those updates if it's to run smoothly and keep the battery going for long. When a new update arrives and you are prompted to update, please don't ignore it. Download and install it on your device. It’s worth saving you all the trouble you’ll later experience because of your reluctance to do the update.
Do Away With Unnecessary Apps
Just as with updating your apps, deleting old apps you rarely or no longer use is vital; because these may be running in the background (most at times you may not even be aware). Having too many apps running in the foreground and background at the same time can be a drain to your phone’s RAM and battery life as the workload will be too much for them to handle. If you have an excessive number of apps that you rarely use or that you deem to be unimportant, you should get rid of them by uninstalling them.
Some apps though may seem to have valid reasons for running in the background (such as Facebook updating your social feeds or an app sending you important email notifications). Still they can be real battery suckers. To deal with them, you could put them into sleep mode or hibernation using an effective app like Greenify. This is a useful tool that reduces the impact of those apps on your system, and thus saving your battery’s life and improving performance.
Make Use of Battery Optimizer App
Most phones come with some feature to optimize battery life but not all users are comfortable enabling them as that limits performance and functionality of the phone. A free, easy-to-useapp like DU battery saver app or Battery Doctor app can be a very useful tool for smart charging and battery optimization.
Turn Off Auto Brightness
When your phone auto brightness is turned on the screen will suddenly begin dimming or brightening all by itself to complement the environment you are in, e.g. it dims the screen to complement a poorly lighted area, but will brighten way up if you are out on a sunny day.This feature may seem useful but in reality a phone’s screen is one of the biggest battery suckers and auto-brightness can overcompensate so much as it’s brightness can be a way higher than what you really need.
By default, Auto brightness is turned on in most Android systems. You can turn it off by going to Settings and then tap Display. You would be able to see the Brightness level. Adjust it to a level that is low but comfortable, and bump it up when necessary (remember that a brighter screen can cause more battery drain).
With some devices, though, after going into the Settings, you would see Auto with a box above and a checkmark in it. Uncheck this box and your auto will be off. And still in some other versions of Android, this screen brightness setting will be available in the pull-down shade on the home screen.
Ditch the Home Screen Widgets
Widgets may be useful and cool feature to have on your home screen, but having multiple widgets (such as clock, alarm, favorite, weather, Gmail and the like, etc) across several home screens, can take a toll on your battery resources. This is because these things will be running all at once, and they will constantly be syncing and updating, causing your phone to work harder.You should keeponly the crucial widgets that you really need and get ridof the ones you don't need, especially those connected to the internet, such as weather widgets.Instead of using widgets, just go for apps.
If want to be through with a useless widget, long press on a blank space on your home screen. This will minimize the screen giving you a view of all the widgets. Now drag the widget you don't need into the trash bin at the top or bottom of your screen.
Make Use of Your Phone’s Power Saving Mode
All phones come with a power saving mode that help conserve battery power. This feature lets you turn off almost all of your phone’s extra features when the power drops to a certain level, thus saving tons of energy and preventing even more battery stress that could weaken an already dying battery further.
To turn it on this feature, go into Settings, tap on my device, tap on the switch next to Low Power Mode to turn it on.
Turn Off Vibrate and Haptic Feedback
Vibration is another useful feature tohave as it canalertyou of an incoming call. Stillthis feature takes more power out of the phone than it does to ring it. So you should consider turning itoff unless you really need the alert. You also need to turn off hapticfeedback too (that buzz you feel when typing on the onscreen keyboard). Sure it feels cool, but it doesn't really add anything; just another battery drainer.
Try Using Black wallpaper
It’s believed that black wallpaper can save battery life and should be used especially if your device uses AMOLED screen. AMOLED screens tend to lighten up colored pixels which drain a phone battery power. Black pixels on the other hand are unlit and so do not take much power to illuminate.
If your phone has an AMOLED screen, consider using a dark-colored background.
Turn off OK Google
OK Google voice searching may be a great feature to have on your phone but it can really wreck havoc on your battery. Especially if you rarely or don’t use it at all.
To turn it off, just go into settings, tap Google, tap search,tap Voice and tap on OK Google detection. In this menu, untick all the boxes as that’s the best option for increasing battery life.
Enable 'Do Not Disturb' Mode
There are times when you don’t want your phone to disturb you, like when you are engaged in an important meeting, working on a crucial task that doesn’t need distraction or when you are trying to get a good night sleep.
Fortunately, many Android phones have a Do Not Disturb setting for just this purpose. When you set up this feature, you will not only be able to manage your time but preserve your battery's health.
You can use this blocking feature to switch off Wi-Fi and mobile data when you don't need them. You can even set your device to not ring, vibrate or connect to the internet while you're at work or in bed. You do not need some silly information waking you up at 2 in the morning or distracting you from finishing a crucial task.
You can enable Do Not Disturb when you go into Settings. Tap Sounds and vibration. Tap Do not disturb. Here, you can tell your phone to forgo all notifications during a specific time, even phone calls. Airplane mode too can also turn all internet and mobile connection when you switch it on.
There are cool apps too that can let you create rules to manage your time and save battery life, such as IFTTT, which is highly recommended.
Don’t Be Connected 24/7
Are you in the habit having your phone connected to the internet all day long? Really that’s overkill. Just as your body needs rest, your phone needs rest. Otherwise you’ll be hurting not just your phone but your battery as well.
So turn off GPS, Bluetooth, notification, Wi-Fi and mobile data whenever you don't need them. Turning off location data, or changing your location settings to use Wi-Fi or 3G data rather than GPS works perfectly well too. This is sure to increase battery life.
There's no need to have both Wi-Fi and mobile data turned on at all times, especially if you know exactly when you'll need one or the other.
Don’t Overcharge Your Battery
Many of us have the habit of charging our smartphones when they're close to dead. But we are not doing the battery any favors. Like humans, smartphone batteries are sensitive to their own versions of "stress." Such a high level of stress could be damaging to your battery's long-term lifespan.
If you want to keep your smartphone battery in top condition and go about your day without worrying about battery life, then don't keep it plugged in when it's fully charge.
Also, do charge your phone in small bursts, doing so occasionally throughout the day instead of having them plugged in for a big charging session when they're empty. Most people think this will harm their battery, but they are wrong. This is actually the best way charge a smartphone battery. So plug and unplug your device for charging multiple times a day. This not only keeps your smartphone's battery performing optimally for longer, but it also keeps it topped up throughout the day.
Keep the Battery Cool
Smartphone batteries are also very sensitive to heat as it can be harmful to them. If you notice that your device is getting hot, remove the protective case as this contributes greatly to phone overheating. But when you're out in the hot sun, keep your phone covered to protect your battery's health.
Also stop the app you’re using, the game you’re playing or the video you’re watching when a phone is getting hot. Use an earphone instead of placing the phone close to your cheek when having a long conversation. More importantly, keep device power off and let it rest for a moment.
Check the State of Your Battery
Another possible reason on why battery life is draining quickly could be either that it’s old and about to finish its service or it is a faulty battery produced by a third-party manufacturer.
Take your battery out of case (if your phone uses a removable battery) and check to see if it's rough or misshapen. If it is and does not sit flat, then consider getting a new battery.
Resist Using the Phone While Charging
Playing a game, watching a video or calling while the phone is charging is not healthy for the phone and battery as it could cause them to heat up.
Well, this is all the tips we could get on how to make your battery last longer. And it was quite hectic compiling them, Take advantage of them if you really want to get the most out of your smartphone.
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